Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Raining In The north

it is 11:00 a.m. in the holy city of safed.  it is raining and cold once again.  there go the windows!  I don't really care.  I have come to the conclusion that the Lord up above is keeping it foggy and unclear so that the enemies' missiles will have a harder time to connect.  that's my way of staying calm.  I got up late and feel unwell.  my back is aching and I am unfocussed.  my eyes burn.  I managed to wash the main bathroom's window, sink and bathtub.  my  eyes are burning because I keep spraying harsh chemicals around to clean all the surfaces.  bleach and windex are my downfall.

 I also wiped down and reorganized a closet in the blog room which was filled with army uniforms and soccer clothes.  my son was a quarter master in the army and I had a closet full of uniforms.  I gave a bunch to my neighbor last year to bring back to the army base. I was afraid that if I  went I'd be arrested or shot for treason.  anyway, I saved a few for purim.  my daughter-in-law's brother will be entering the army soon and I will offer him the uniforms.  I hear that they do not give out a lot of uniform's to the soldiers.  there was an american lone soldier at the yeshiva one day and I promised to bring him uniforms.  I didn't see him again before the break.

I haven't eaten yet.  I will finish my last spelt pita and can of tuna and take a shower. I then will go to the large supermarket and buy veggies and nuts for the seder.  it is sunny for the moment.  I haven't finished any one room yet.  forget about my game plan of last year.  I keep skipping from one place to the next.  I still have to do the actual kitchen and stove.  I think I will save it for Friday.  next wee I must do the guest apartments.  I will need to do a lot of floor washing.  I don't have the strength today to do hard work.

my dog keeps bringing in huge pieces of bread that people have tossed.  it is always a problem before pesach.  I just closed up the blog room's closets.  hopefully, he won't be able to enter them with bread.  when I enter the bed at night he growls.  there is always bread in the bed. not a great situation.

nighttime:   it's 8:30 p.m.  I went to town about 2:00 p.m.  I went to a new house décor store in town and saw my daughter-in-law's sister working there.  I bought more disposable plates and coffee cups. I then went to the rabbinate and sold my chometz. Yeh!  I went back to town to buy cushions for the dining room chairs because two of them didn't survive the second wash cycle.  I had a credit at a certain house goods store from when I bought shirts for the play that weren't used.  I found the exact stainless steel dish racks that I was looking for.  I couldn't find the right color of cushions but I did buy a new laundry rack that was half price.

 I saw a dress that was discounted for only 100 shekels but I didn't buy it in the end. I don't think maroon is my color. I might just go to town again tomorrow and buy it.  I don't have anything new for pesach.  I wanted to go food shopping after town but I didn't get home until 5:00 p.m. and I was thoroughly wiped out.  I bought a falafel and took a taxi home.  I waited about an hour to find one.  I took the cover off the mattress of the blog room and threw it into the washing machine.  it never went to rinse cycle.  it weighed a ton.  I hung it over the fence. it will be very hard at get the mattress inside again.  oh well....

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