Sunday, April 14, 2019

Great Day

it is midnight in the holy city of safed.  I just wrestled with the mattress cover and I won.  the mattress is back inside the zippered cover.  for a while back there I didn't think I'd make it.  I have less function of my left hand these days.  my left shoulder and arm are aching. too.  it turned cold again and we are supposed to have showers, yet once, again.  this is the screwiest weather I can remember. I hope it doesn't rain on pesach.  I managed to get to services on Saturday morning.  I think it was the first time ever, that I went to synagogue the Shabbat day before pesach.  it was very upbeat and lovely.

I got up early today as the gardener was outside.  I always give him coffee and we schmooze a bit.  right after the coffee I went into pesach cleaning action.  I couldn't manage to get the windows in the third bedroom out of the frames.  I don't have the power anymore.  I washed the curtains and washed the dirt off of the window sill.  it isn't chometz but it is not dirty anymore. I tackled the stove and oven and kitchen tiles.  I scrubbed the gunk off of the counters. I used a lot of chemicals.  the oven cleaner spray got the congealed grease off of the kitchen floor. I did a huge floor washing afterwards. and then I washed all eight dining room chairs.

I am hoping to finish my apartment tomorrow.  I basically, need to wash all of the floors in the three bedrooms, the television room, two bathrooms and the living room.  I threw out the reclining chair from the television room.  in its prime, twenty years ago, it was an extremely expensive piece of furniture.  we got it for my dad when he was having back pains. it had several positions.  when tiny was a puppy he chewed all of the wires.  for the last three years it was set in just one position.  the leather was all ripped and it wasn't really comfortable.  I used it as my t.v. Lounge chair. 

last year at pesach time I threw out the small leather two seater.  I never got to replace it. I couldn't bear looking at the recliner anymore and I sure enough wasn't going to wash it today.  I kept on thinking about running to town to buy a new one.  at around 5:00 p.m. I was starving and very tired.  I thought I should call it quits for today.  I was definitely too tired to go to town.  after I finished the dining room chairs I got a second wind.  not really exactly.  I took a cab to town.  I bought a small two seater couch and a matching chair. it was very affordable and I paid with checks. I thought about buying two recliners but they were very pricey. I live alone but sometimes I have overnight guests and now I can't wait for my furniture to arrive.

I also threw out two dining room chairs that were antique.  they were leather and very comfortable and very large.  the springs were sticking out for years.  I couldn't bear looking at them another moment and I didn't have the money to refurbish them.  someone took them right away.  I wish them luck.  I will buy a few kitchen chairs after the holiday.  furniture is very expensive here.  this was the first time that I actually purchased new furniture. I bought a used dining room set thirty years ago.  I was given beds and then I bought a cheap pull out sofa.  but I never had new furniture.  I have been using what was left of my mom's furnishings.  little but surely things are breaking.

I had to sit on a foot stool to watch t.v. tonight.  I was too tired to carry a chair form the next room.  I think I ate three cans of tuna today. those were my three meals.  I did buy a package of fresh strawberries in town and had a yogurt. I was planning on going to the outdoor market on Wednesday to buy cushions for the dining room chairs but now it is supposed to pour.  I might try another shop in town.  I want to go to a fruit and vegetable shop in the morning.  I don't want to hit the supermarket again.  and I have to pay my water bill which is very confusing.

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