Wednesday, March 13, 2019

On My Way

it is 1:00 a.m. in the holy city of safed.  I just finished up washing all of the coffee cups and pots and pans from last Shabbat.  I cooked up a small pot of turkey meatballs and a small pot of chicken soup for my friend who is coming tomorrow to dog sit.  I am going to Jerusalem tomorrow and staying for Shabbat.  the yeshiva has an out Shabbat and I am not going to work tomorrow.  I left two tins of spaghetti and zucchini for their lunch tomorrow.  most of the guys went to a wedding this evening so I made a smaller supper for the few who were staying in.  I cooked up a small bag of turkey necks and added leftover rice and a whole small pumpkin.  I baked 3 huge sweet potatoes and cut them up and I left a tin of green lentils that were leftover from lunch.  I'm sure I made too much.  you never know, though.  some times they are ravenous and sometimes they are not.

I made a small quinoa salad for my friend for Shabbat.  I cannot stand the taste of quinoa but this salad was rather tasty.  I grated two granny smith apples and one carrot, chopped up some chives, added a handful of yellow raisins and added cinnamon and fresh lemon.  my friend does not like oil on her salad or I would have drizzled olive oil.  I did add a little date syrup.  I actually liked it.  I must try it this way for the yeshiva.  the only problem is that we never get fruit.

 I bought tons of frozen fruit so my friend could have her smoothies while I'm away.  I have been using frozen cherries and cranberries on my yogurt.  I have been sugarless for a while now.  i don't think I lost weight.  for a moment it did look like my stomach had shrunk a bit.  I went to the doctor yesterday to get the paper work started for all my medical appts.  he suggested a blood test and as I was already fasting, I agreed.  it turns out that my sugar is pretty high.  I don't really get it but I think that I need to drink water and start walking again.  I do not want to go diabetic.

 I am pretty tired.  I'm not quite ready to go to sleep.  I am having a chai tea with sugarless almond milk.  I  have bought a ton of junk to give away for purim.  I locked out and don't need to cook at the yeshiva for purim.  they were having around 45 guests and I told them to call the caterer.  i do not do catering.  I cook for young men who would eat a shoe.  I do not like to cook for the rabbis and their families.  we were supposed to have a party downstairs  on Wednesday night for my daughter-in-law's brother, who is joining the army.  I bought a ton of candy and plastic toy soldiers to give out to all the kids.  I even got three helium balloons.  it was my typical theme party and I bought kakki colored disposable table cloths and took out my son's old army boots and made a statue.  the party was cancelled.  I lost at least three nights of sleep worrying about this event.

it will now be incorporated into the purim hijinks on Thursday; while we all drink and get really happy and very silly.  I bought a cow pajama onezy to wear for purim.  I am a big fat cow and now I will dress as one. 

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