Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Cleaning Away

it is !:00 p.m. in the holy city of safed.  I have been washing windows and laundering curtains for a couple of hours.  I know that my steadfast rule is to keep to one room at a time and complete it.  I haven't kept to my rule so far.  I have been all over the place. I still have two closets in the kitchen to clean out.  I did four small windows that are above the kitchen counters and definitely needed a good scrubbing.  although they were small they were rather heavy.  I kept praying that I wouldn't drop them.  I had to carry them to the large bathroom to wash them.  as long as I was in the bathroom, I took down the shower curtains and washed them.  hanging them back up was a strain on my neck.

I plastered the walls outside the computer room's ledge the other day.  I don't think they need painting now.  I am tempted to pull out the windows and wash them.  I might just do that.  I still haven't put away the purim costumes and props.  I ran to town yesterday to get to the bank.  I hadn't been there in months.  luckily, no checks have been returned lately.  I did run out of cash and checkbooks.  I want to buy a small couch before pesach.  the one I have been sleeping on for the past 17 years is shot.  I can't think about cleaning it for pesach.

I also have run out of food.  I have been living off of black bean burgers that I made for purim. I don't have anything else to eat.  I need milk, bread, cheese and eggs. I would also like some bananas.  I went to eat out yesterday with my friend.   we had been working on costumes and props for her upcoming play and we were both starving.  I  had an omelet and salad at the falafel place.  I was suddenly exhausted and walked over to my son's gallery for a lift home.  I was schlepping an old cd player around.  I was trying to make it into an antique intercom prop ala Charlie's angels.  I managed to semi destroy it.  my friend did mention that it didn't work.

dealing with costumes exhausts me.  especially when I'm convincing my friend that I'm right.  I needed to make a priest's habit and luckily I had a dress in my closet that did the trick.  I don't sew costumes from scratch.  I find things in second hand stores and then embellish them.  in this case, the dress already looked exactly like a priest's gown.  I simply pinned a Velcro white collar around the neckline.  I am still a bit stumped with how to proceed with the intercom prop.  it will come to me, I'm sure. the play isn't until may.  I will have done my MRI brain scan, and seen the oncologist and neuro surgeon by then.

I stripped the couch of it's covers and pillow cases and threw them into a gentle cycle.  they look like they all survived.  the couch is an antique from a very long time ago.  it's miraculous that the zippers still work.  I did it last year and it saves me from having to shampoo the couch.  the kitchen looks like a cyclone hit it.  everything is on the table and counters.  I think i'll do the two remaining kitchen windows now.  I need to spackle a bit but it's all manageable.  I then will call it a day and get some food.

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