Friday, June 30, 2023

Almost Shabbat

 it is 6:30 p.m. in the holy city of safed.  candlelighting is in another hour.  i will walk the dogs soon and then take my daily stroll after i light. it is in the high 80's and epected to get hotter over shabbat.  i spent a couple of hours at the pool and came back tired. i boiled some eggs, grated some beets, and made a green salad with tahina dressing.  i baked a potato and a sweet potato.  last night i made a pot of chicken soup and a pot of chicken legs and red lentils.  i had some lentils and chicken when i returned from the pool. i just had the baked potato.  i am stuffed.  i think i will have the green salad and a salmon fillet for my shabbat dinner.

the dogs had chicken breast and bulgur for lunch. the heat is getting to me.  i was on my t.v. couch talking to a friend for the past hour.  i got her to read my post.  i have been blogging for nearly 14 years now.  i started when i was ranting about the in- laws hogging the first born grandson.  i was pretty angry and overwhelmed in those days.  i guess i still am.  anyway; i was ranting to my sister about the situation and she said that she was hanging up because it was no longer a dialogue.  it was in fact; a monologue. and that is how the zelda monologue was created.  in the past on windows 10, i could read comments.  it was so exciting.  people were reading my blog all over the world.  i never understood it.  most of my followers were my sister's friends from california. but i had followers in china, too.

then i got on to facebook and i got hooked.  i stopped blogging.  i had a smart phone and i never went over to my computer.  i didn't even know that somehow, i no longer had windows 10 anymore.  i was so involved in catching up with old friends. with the advent of covid; i was afraid to blog and afraid to comment on facebook.  i was an anti- vaxer, an enemy of the state, a parasite. i didn't have a green passport.  i couldn't go to movies or use the trains. and i couldn't afford to be kicked off facebook and lose contact with the outside world.

recently, i longed to blog again but i couldn't do it on my phone.  i thought about buying a tablet.  hten i realized that it would be so nice to have a new computer. and then voila, i had one.  blogging again is like getting back on a bike.  it feels so natural.  i can't believe there are people out there who take a moment to read my blog.  it can be tedious.  it can be a lot. but it is the closest thing to a hoby that i have.  i don't think it is likely that i will take up knitting or painting.  this gives me a purpose. it validates my days.  it is good for my memory.  i start each day at 6:00 a.m. and by noon time, i can't remember what has transpired in my life.

the laundry is caught up with and the house is clean.  the dishes are done and the food is cooked. i even have some leftover banana blueberry chick pea flour muffins.  i bought some disney plates and a huge salad bowl that mentions happiness. i need a reminder always to be happy for all my blessings.  i am ready to bring in shabbat.  wishing everyone a quiet and peaceful shabbat!

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