Monday, March 23, 2020

Just Another Day in Quarantine

it is 12:00 p.m. in the holy city of safed.  it is sunny but quite cold.  i took the dogs out at 7:00 a.m.  i didn't feel like doing anything today and i didn't feel like going anywhere.  i did wash the four kitchen windows and the curtains.  i didn't do a great job.  i used a fair amount of windex and paper towels.  i have no newspapers lying around under the sink.  i don't care if there are smears and i couldn't care less if it storms again and stains the windows.  i know i cleaned them and that there are no traces of food or grease on them.  it was a bit nerve wracking standing up the windows against the walls.  the little dog kept coming over and i was afraid she'd knock one over.  i said a silent prayer that they shouldn't fall down and break.  i did a load of laundry and i will toss the long curtains into the machine in a moment. 

i am afraid to hang anything outside.  i will do a few things at a time.  i have a small dryer upstairs but I've never used it and it isn't hooked up.  hopefully, i'll manage hanging sheets over the closet doors.  i am tepted to run to the small supermarket to see if they got bonzo dog food for pesach.  i just had a tuna sandwich with chumus on a spelt pita.  i had a couple of handfuls of cashews and an oatmeal blueberry muffin for breakfast.  the dogs are super hungry being in quarantine.  i guess they are bored.  they keep on wanting to go outside and i think that they are looking for bread.  the neighbors always put out bread and leftovers for the cats.  perhaps they aren't as vigilant during quarantine.  i ran around with them several times yesterday in the cold.  i'm not dressed today and i'm freezing. 

perhaps, i'll throw on a long skirt and socks and boots and walk the dogs.  i delivered books to my friend this morning.  she has something to read now.  i am craving hot food.  i'd love to eat some hot soup but i don't have anything to make soup with. last night, i heated up a small can of baked beans and added a can of tuna and some beets.  i know the dogs would love some hotdogs but i'm not in the mood.  maybe i should make a supermarket run to buy veggies.  i could even go for some hot pasta right now.  my throat is beginning to burn a bit.  i guess it's time to have a really hot drink.  i think i'll go check the pantry for rice or something.  i'm sure the windex wasn't great for me.  my nose is running.

aftermath:  it is now 3:00 p.m. in the holy city of safed.  i threw a package of frozen chicken wings into a large pot, added water and tons of spices.  i don't have any vegetables.  i covered it with turmeric, garlic, ginger, curry, cumin and sprinkled a bit of oregano.  i added a cup of dried wheat berries.  as i walked the dogs it started sprinkling.  it was actually quite warm outside.  it's freezing inside.  i did a bit more laundry and cleaned the windows in the blog room.  while i was downstairs doing laundry; i cleaned the small fridge downstairs.  i only use it for parties.  i stripped the beds in the safe room, where the married kids prefer to sleep.  i think i am finished for today.  i will have an early supper and call it a day.  my joints are killing me.

did you all see the Israeli's in tel aviv hanging out on the board walk near the beach???  the government said we could exercise for 10 minutes and walk our dogs.  these people were doing a full on class and walking in groups of three.  oh veh!

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