Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Book 0f Life

it is 5:00 p.m. in the holy city of Safed.  the Yom Kippur fast starts in about an hour and a half.  I have been making an effort to drink today.  I can't really get any water down so I have been adding apple-cherry concentrate.  it is sugar free.  I have been eating all day long.  I made schnitzels at 8:00 a.m.  I then put up a pot of chicken soup.  I had bought frozen kreplach but they became one giant clump of dough in freezer.  I tasted the only one that was still filled.  it was tasty but peppery.

I decided to go to the large supermarket to buy another package of kreplach.  I had given half of the kreplach to my friend.  I hope she had better success with them than I did.  I took a taxi to the mikveh in Canaan.  there is a small market near by and I was hoping that I'd find kreplach there.  no such luck.  I walked a bit to the supermarket in the heat.  there wasn't a package of kreplach to be found.

I settled for sweet potato mini ravioli.  I found a brand that wasn't dairy.  it is very pleasant in the soup.  the kreplach would have been better but it didn't work out.  I really should just let it go.  I called my son to take me to the cemetery.  I didn't feel like spending the rest of my holiday money on a cab ride.  my grandkids came along and helped me wash my parents' graves.  they came back here and watched a movie until their dad picked them up.

I sent a food package with him.  a few schnitzels, mini ravioli, chicken wing soup, rolls and a bit of honey cake.  the little kids ate macaroni here.  my granddaughter had smoked turkey and pickles.  I bought hamburgers, franks, kabobs, chicken wings and liver for the holiday of sukkot.  who knows?  we may just have a barbecue here one day.  I haven't made any plans for Sukkot.  I am waiting to see what pans out.

I want to take out the bars and build the sukkah on Friday.  I  offered my son half of the sukkah parts for his new place.  I hope he takes me up on it.  it would be so nice if the kids had a sukkah on their porch, right outside their living room.  for many years when we lived in an apartment building, we would schlepp down three fights of stairs to our communal sukkah.  the big kids never really used the sukkah when they lived here.  we'd have an occasional barbecue and they would eat here on Shabbat.  I mustn't get too involved with them right now.  I need to take a step back.  they know where I am if they want to come over.

I am pretty tired today.  I haven't been sleeping that much.  I washed the floors at around 10:00 p.m. last night.  I finished close to midnight.  I am a bit scared ever since I fell down my steps at the beginning of the summer.  I was having a 'moment' at 3:00 a.m. and decided to throw a lot of soapy water around the entrance way.  the male dog keeps pishing there.  I was sponging the water off the steps when I violently fell down the steps.  I was in a bit of shock.  I was very lucky not to have broken anything.  my back hurt for a few weeks.

I  will finish my blog and do the afternoon prayer.  I then will have my 'last' meal of chicken wing soup and mini sweet potato ravioli.  I had a schnitzel sandwich at noon time.  I am keeping it real simple this year.  I will go to the evening service and hopefully I will fall asleep early tonight.  may you all be sealed in the Book Of Life for a good  and sweet year!

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