Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Stormy Weather

12:15 p.m. wednesday afternoon in the holy city of zefat. it is a cold and stormy day. we have been told to expect a possible snow storm. it is not the kind of day to be out and about doing errands. i spent the morning on the phone with my girl pal. apparently, her ex and his new wife felt that we snubbed them at the bris on monday. they blamed me, a 58 year old safta, for being a bad influence on the 59 year old 'step' safta.

suddenly, i remembered that my son had asked me to pick up a package at the local post office. i called a cab and had the driver wait for me. it was way too windy for me and my palsied face to be out on the street. the clerk gave me the package without a struggle. how great is that! it just takes a little more money to solve these things!

i had lofty fantasies of baking muffins, and making a pot of soup this morning. there are also three huge batches of laundry waiting for me to do. i have a sink full of coffee cups that are crying out to be washed and i don't have the motivation to do anything. it's beyond just being cold. it's mental inertia. it's so amazing that we enjoyed summer like weather yesterday at the cemetery. i can't imagine standing outside today in the cold. i guess chani did us all a favor by going when she did.

i really want to visit bertha from romania in the hospital but i don't want to go out again. i just had a visit from one of the cast from the purim play. i lent her my very colorful, persian king costume. before she came, i managed to make a dozen of really, nice, cranberry muffins. i also ran outside to pick a bunch of oranges and tangerines. since, the cast member lives in the same building as the grieving family, i wanted to send along a food package from me. although i had a ride downtown, i wasn't ready to visit them in person, yet. i also gave up on making a hospital visit.

i'm supposed to go to gal's sister at 7:00 p.m. for a house warming. this is the young couple's 7th move in just a few years. i feel obligated to bring something but i'm not up for making chocolates. i don't feel like baking any cakes because they are not fans of whole wheat flour. i'm leaning towards making a potato kugel, but that entails running out in the cold to buy potatoes. i think i just have to settle on making some type of cookies. i have lots of nuts left from shabbat and i do have some white chocolate chips in the fridge. all i need is the motivation. i honestly, don't feel like going out at all, in this weather, but i'm kind of obligated. i just remembered the bananas in gal's freezer but i don't believe it's their favorite thing. perhaps, i'll make some banana muffins tomorrow, to take to the shiva. the laundry is still waiting for me.


  1. always the industrious one even when not, you are planning and preparing! me-i just watch tv , computer and eat.

  2. i was up early enough to again see snow on the roof tops. it's still snow cold outside and in!

  3. no snow down by me but blastingly freezing!

  4. Have you gotten any snow yet? We are waiting on ice and snow again this weekend in NC. My daughter is very upset because that means her boyfriend cannot come up from SC to see here! She used to LOVE snow!!

  5. I too love storms. I grew up in S. Florida, where you can set your clock by the afternoon thundershowers. As I’ve moved farther north, they come less frequently; but as often as possible, I’m on a porch somewhere listening to the water come down.
    comprar r4

  6. This time its very hard stormy season and very cold for long time!I love snow time but not these much!its now freezing me in home!and I cant do my work on time!Where is global Warming?please melt this snow...
    r4 sdhc
