Sunday, July 21, 2019

Living In The Fast Lane

it is 7:00 p.m. in the hoy city of safed.  we have another hour left of the fast.  tonight starts the beginning of the three weeks, which is traditionally a time of mourning for the destruction of the temples.  it is not a lucky time for the Jews.  it is a time of danger and we are not supposed to take unnecessary risks.  I hit the wrong button on Friday and obliterated my post.  it didn't help that I had injured my right pointer finger while washing the dishes.  I had made a nice Shabbat dinner for myself and had a few glasses in the sink.  apparently, one broke in my hand and sliced open my finger.  I heard the breaking glass before I saw my injury.  I don't think I felt it at first.  I applied cold water and then pressure to stop the bleeding.  it was about a half an hour before candle lighting. 

I was pretty tired and I couldn't cope with all the blood.  I reached for the little bottle of alum talc that I have had in the kitchen drawer since my son's bris, thirty two years ago.  I then remembered that aloe vera also stops bleeding and ran outside to get some from the garden.  I didn't have any paper towels to wrap around my finger so I used a baby wipe.  the wet wipe didn't really keep in the blood.  I wrapped some aloe vera plant around the wound and kept it in place with a sterile patch.  I ended up adding more alum and more bandages.  it started hurting very much.  I couldn't really get changed for Shabbat. 

I had gone to the pool in the morning and had a lovely few hours with a friend.  I made some chicken breasts and a small piece of meat with wheat for dinner.  I even managed to make a small eggless corn bread.  I actually remembered to add the cornmeal this time.  I couldn't wait to eat so I could go to sleep.   I was wiped.  I hit the bed at 9:00 p.m. and pretty much passed out.  I didn't sleep very well.  I had a couple of disturbing dreams.  I did make it to synagogue and had lunch with my friends.  I napped and spent most of the day reading a novel.  I kept on eating until 2:00 a.m. because of the fast this morning.  it was a huge mistake.  it made the fast much harder.  I have been intermittently fasting and not eating after 9:00 p.m. for awhile.  I did not feel well all day long.  I think I strained both arms trying to swim at the pool.

I didn't make it to work.  I felt dizzy all day.  I haven't removed the bandages yet.  I am dreading seeing the injury.  I think it's too late for stiches.  I think the bleeding has mostly stopped.  there seems to be a bit of seepage on the bandages.  I thought about going to the nurse but I couldn't get up today.  I need to buy a blue elastic finger cover tomorrow.  they are quite pricey.  oh well.....

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